Sunday, February 26, 2012

How soon before Sean Avery starts a fight next game with a Penguins player?

I'll say three minutes in, tops. You know that pest can't resist much longer, especially after poking Fleury with his stick at the end of last game. The Rangers need something to rejuvenate their team after those two defeats. I hope he picks it with either Gary Roberts (if he's back) or Georges Laraque.How soon before Sean Avery starts a fight next game with a Penguins player?You see the thing is, the Pens are playing too well for him to be able to stop playing hockey and start dancing all over the place and running his mouth. You can't hit what you can't catch, and you can't annoy those who turn a deaf ear to you. I think the Pens have his number and he's not going to be able to make the douche factor matter in this series.How soon before Sean Avery starts a fight next game with a Penguins player?
I say he'll start one five or six minutes into the game. I don't think it will change the momentum of the series, though. The Penguins are obviously a much better team and they'll be advancing to the Eastern Conference Finals.How soon before Sean Avery starts a fight next game with a Penguins player?Hopefully when his club's up by three. Check that...up by four.
Regardless of anyones thoughts of Avery, I think he'll play a smart game. His team is down 2-0, and honestly, if they don't play a smart game three, they're done. Avery will be playing like he did in game one.How soon before Sean Avery starts a fight next game with a Penguins player?I think he should wear the glasses in his Yahoo Sports profile pic. Then he could trash talk on a face off saying, "You wouldn't hit a guy with glasses, would you?"How soon before Sean Avery starts a fight next game with a Penguins player?
From a Penguin's fan perspective, hopefully immediately so that it can completely distract the disorganized offense and fragmented defense of the Rangers. The level of frustration is very high in the Ranger's camp and the Pens need to capitalize on that. I saw an interview with Gomez and he appeared completely dejected. He's a good guy the Penguins the credit for playing hard.
I say no more than 5 minutes in the 1st period. soon before Sean Avery starts a fight next game with a Penguins player?
i don't know which game you were watching, but Fleury slashed him at the end and started that fight... he even admitted to it. You belong with the rest of the refs; picking on Avery because of his reputation to the point where it makes you blind.
he will probably start talking sh*t in the pregame skate but he probably wont start anything in the game.Being down 2-0 he will just park his a$$ in front of the net and try to make room
You see? This is why the Wings got rid of him. Too hot tempered at the wrong times.
hopefully he can pick up his game-he has been really quiet in the last two games he hasn't really been himself. he had one big hit and at the end of the game that little scrum but that has been it. the rangers need him to be better and start to get under some people's skin. if he doesn't its not gonna be good.

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