Wednesday, January 25, 2012

How come all Video game nerds are obsessed with Ocarina of Time?

I was internet surfing today and I came to a Zelda fan site. I will sim up what the site said, Ocarina of Time was the best game ever, every other Zelda after it was horrible. I am so sick of all the Zelda fans worshiping Ocarina of Time and hating every other game. The game is 15 years old and they need to move on already. And most of them probably never even played it. So why do they hold on to the past so much?How come all Video game nerds are obsessed with Ocarina of Time?All the Zelda games are awesome it's just that Ocarina of time was way ahead of it's time. I personally prefer Twilight Princess, but it was made later and when Ocarina of Time was made there was nothing like it.How come all Video game nerds are obsessed with Ocarina of Time?
I guess it's the classic Zelda game that no one forgets, it's original. It's nostalgic to those who have played it in the past and who've loved it. It brings back memories of people and their childhood. I've never played it. But still, it's considered one of the best games of all time. Since I haven't played it, I'm not one to speak. But that's why I believe they like it so much.How come all Video game nerds are obsessed with Ocarina of Time?Actually, it's just over Ten years old, I think it had it's 10th anniversary in 2008 or 09.

And not all Zelda fans love it and hate the rest, I mean, yes, OoT is my fave of the series but that's mainly because it was the first game I ever played. I love most of the other Zelda games... except for the DS ones, which are a bit iffy in my opinion... they are still fun to play though lol

Classics are the best!

And Ocarina of Time had such advanced graphics for its time, and some other games were based off of it [like Windwaker]

My sister plays it, it's a pretty good game.

And her boyfriend plays it.

And our neighbors. And their cousins.

And our cousins....How come all Video game nerds are obsessed with Ocarina of Time?The games after don't suck but I do agree it's one of the best single player games I've ever played. Have you played it? I doubt you'd have this opinion if you have and you're really missing out if you haven'tHow come all Video game nerds are obsessed with Ocarina of Time?
it was an amazing game and you are just being a h8r. go get a copy of the game, play it, and then post this question again if you really feel the need to.
it truly was revolutionary and nothing short of amazing. so was a link to the past. majoras mask was good too, but not as good as ocarina of timeHow come all Video game nerds are obsessed with Ocarina of Time?
The Ocarina of Time owns ALL OTHER games man. It may be old but it's the best!
Not sure, but I used to play video games with my little brother when we were younger. I loved Majora's Mask so much more!!
it was a classic at the time
e legend of zelda

legend of zelda: link to the past

in each generation there has been a zelda, and they have ruled the roost for thier respective eras.

personally, twilight princess is the best zelda game i have played. and i've played damn near all of them(save the handhelds)

the reason ocarina is so loved:

it's frackin awesome. it was also the first foray into 3d for link and crew. the combat system was near perfect. in fact i think it might have been the first game to utilize a "lock-on" feature in real time combat. it was gorgeous, for it's day. it set the bar for all 3rd person action/adventure games for the rest of time.

the game introduces an older link, and had you switching between young and old to access new areas, and abilities. it was amassive game, with tons of extra quests to prolong the magic.

but like i said.twilight princess is my number 1. why?

it flowed better than ocarina.

no "kid" link

finding the warrior spirits(white wolves) to learn new combat moves was an amazing addition.

more action(if you can believe that)

a more streamlined approach to weaponsand gadgets.

everything was more polished, better put together, and i am waiting on baoted breath for skyward sword. the game that MADE me buy a wii.

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