Thursday, February 16, 2012

What college football fans stand throughout every home game?

Isn't there a college whose fans have a tradition of standing through every home football game? The idea is that they are ready to run on the field in case the coach needs them to play.

It seems like I remember the story. But I can't remember which college it is. Maybe it's several colleges. I don't know.

I want to use them for an analogy in a speech that I'm writing. (Like always be ready; you never know when you'll be called on.) Can somebody help me?What college football fans stand throughout every home game?It is Texas A %26amp; M

They stand throughout the entire game, I believe they do sit down when the opposing teams band is out on the field playing though.What college football fans stand throughout every home game?
yep, it's definetly Texas A%26amp;M, it's the tradition of the 12th man. It symbolizes that everyone is ready and willing to come into the game as the "12th player"

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What college football fans stand throughout every home game?The Military Academy at West Point, and the Naval Academy at Annapolis.

BobWhat college football fans stand throughout every home game?
The Oakland University Pioneers.What college football fans stand throughout every home game?I believe its Michigan.What college football fans stand throughout every home game?
i dnt undrstnd th qstn

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