Thursday, February 16, 2012

What was that game about customizable battle bots?

I can't remember the name, but it's an multi player live online game where you build a custom 'bot' and add weapons such as spears, razor launchers, flame throwers, etc. It was a live game with other people playing it, with a lobby and stuff. I just need to know if it still exists or where I can find it.What was that game about customizable battle bots?I believe the game you're looking for is called Robot Rage?What was that game about customizable battle bots?There are a couple.

PC online MMO: Exteel, and B.o.t.s

PS3: Armored Core 4, Gundam Series (including Dynasty Warriors


Xbox: MechAssault

360: Armored Core 4, Chromehounds, and War World

I believe Exteel and B.O.T.S are the closest to what you might be asking about. Both are still active (check PlayNC for Exteel and Acclaim for B.O.T.S)

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